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garden update

May 28, 2009

Seeds to count on

March 27, 2009

One of the most important parts of our co-op process has been deciding on and obtaining seeds.  Since many of us have only gardened minimally before, most for a hobby, none had seeds saved or favorite places to purchase them.  Since we want to have the purest and most sustainable garden/s possible, we all decided to go with GMO free seeds, bought from companies not in bed with giants like Monsanto, (whose organic seeds are not even really organic-this from an inside source!)

So far, we have bought from Azure Standard, Pleasant Valley, and Sustainable Seeds.  We planted many of the early seeds and are very excited to see the seedlings sprouting!  We’ll keep you posted as the plants grow, as well as a post soon on how we started and what our mission looks to be.

Worms and Dirt

March 24, 2009

Last week, we started not only our seed trays but also our first attempt at vermacomposting.  Terrie, the brave, ordered a bin and worms from Azure Standard and then together we read the directions and put it all together.  While she is convinced that she has killed all the worms, I think they are happy as clams and will be turning all that veggie leftover stuff into lovely soil in no time.

Spring has Sprung

March 18, 2009

Oh, how I LOVE Spring!  I am SO glad for some warmth again, so glad for new shift which has my home BEFORE 4:45 most days, so glad for new life popping up everywhere in the form of buds & flowers & sprouts of vegetables to come!

Just check out the snaps of Spring around my house…

Partners in Dirt – A Garden Co-op begins…

March 4, 2009

Welcome to Partners in Dirt!  We are a group of friends that decided to start a garden co-op in order to grow healthy organic fruits & veggies for our families  & develop a sense of community in doing so.  We also hope to bless others with our abundance (God willing!) and thru that, share his love with others in need (both physical & spiritual hunger, ya dig?).

Follow our madness as we begin our Garden Co-op, and hey! if you want in, get in touch, already!

Here’s a snap of Erin’s first Raised Bed, Joe built that one & the boys built it’s twin:


Kanan & Garden Box

Kanan & Garden Box